Multidisciplinary Event: Back to the Foodture

I have taught a U. S. History survey course with an emphasis on food for a few terms now. We were finally able to have the contest we had envisioned.

Back to the Foodture Multidisciplinary Event

What is It?

Back to the Foodture is a multi-disciplinary project at Houston Community College. It brings together pastry, history, English, and science students and professors. Pastry students choose and make a recipe, history students recount the history of the dish, English students write a white paper about the project, and science students explain the biological and chemical components of the dish. Students create a collaborative video, each filming and explaining their various parts. Finally, a competition is held at the HCC Culinary building where videos are shown and pastries are judged. 

Back to the Foodture pastry judging

How Did It Go?

I prepped all my students for the event with an oral history project about food. The students I nominated were always present in class, on time with their assignments, and thorough in their work. Although we were a bit last-minute pulling the final event together (we are tweaking the timeline for next time), the event was wonderful. I particularly enjoyed judging because it basically meant that I got to eat a lot of desserts! My colleague and I made custom aprons in our IdeaStudio, which we distributed along with certificates.

Back to the Foodtures pastry judging

The Benefits of Multidisciplinary

This post has several links to other multidisciplinary projects I have done and why!

Custom aprons

How to Spend One Day in Joshua Tree with Kids


How to Spend One Day and Two Nights in the South Rim of Grand Canyon with Kids