Intention for the Semester

Although I’ve stopped doing New Year’s Resolutions, I like the idea of setting an intention. An intention utilizes a value or inherent part of you to wrap a focus around. Using Brene Brown’s List of Lead Values, I chose the word “Initiative.”

I have a lot of internal drive, so taking initiative at work and with my students is not too difficult for me. But I was drawn to other definitions of initiative:

the energy and desire that is needed to do something

Pandemic fatigue is no joke. The extended time I’ve been teaching virtual classes and working exclusively from home has taken its toll. And the energy it takes to make decisions for daily life has wiped me out. I’m not going to overdo it, but I will find a balance between energy, desire, and capacity.

a plan or program that is intended to solve a problem

I love to create solutions, so this speaks to me.

Further information on setting intentions using ACT here.


Take a (lot of) Breaks


American Historical Association 2022