Book Trailer Assignment

Our History department requires two monographs in freshmen level courses and three monographs in sophomore level course. The challenge, then, is how do I assess their reading of it? One way: the book trailer.

Book trailers are essentially promotional videos for upcoming books. They are meant to tease the book and make the viewer want to buy/read the book. So, I translated this idea into a review assignment.

I used this video and the template the author posted in the comments to get me started:

Here are the instructions I give my students:

Step 1 – Read the guide

Use the article “How to Read a Historical Monograph to guide your reading.

Step 2 – Read the monograph

As you read, take notes as suggested in the guide in Step 1.

Step 3 – Watch the tutorial

This great video “How To Create a Book Trailer with Adobe Spark" will show you the steps you need to create your organizer (script) and the video.

Step 4 – Look at some examples

This YouTube channel of Nonfiction Book Trailers will give you some creative ideas.

Step 5 – Write your script

Make a graphic organizer to show what you will hear and what you will see in the video. Make sure to include the following: author’s argument, source types, precise examples, and your evaluation of the book.

Step 6 – Make your video

Sign into Adobe Spark. Create your video!

Step 6 – Turn in

Post a link to your completed video to the assignment on Canvas.

Here’s an example video I made:

It helps to do a live demonstration of both how to fill in the graphic organizer and how to make the video. I give this assignment at least twice throughout the semester so that they can get the hang of it.


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