Positive Experiences with History

In preparation for my independent project for the West Houston Institute Innovation Fellowship, I asked friends to recount their most positive memory or influential experience in a history class, history museum, historical book, lecture, etc. Here are some answers:

  • A teacher taught history and geography through storytelling first and context at the end

  • Eye-opening simulations such as a world wealth project

  • Round-table discussions about political issues

  • Experiencing the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC. Upon entry, you are given the Identity Card of a person who died in the holocaust and their bio and follow their experience.

  • Professor taught history in a very narrative and engaging manner.

  • Writing my "psycho-racial history" (my personal history of my awareness of my race and racial development over time)

  • Visiting the National Memorial for Peace and Justice, also known as the lynching museum, in Montgomery, Alabama.

  • English professor who really showed me how much we learn about our history by studying literature.

  • Texas history teacher who put on music and narrated a trail ride.

  • Professor who started each class with the music of the time period.

  • Learning comparative history to see it more holistically.


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