Icebreaker Questions

Starting each class with a QOTD (Question of the Day).

There’s some awkward dead space for the first few minutes of a virtual class. Without the opportunity to walk around and chat or invite the class into casual banter, I wanted to find a more structured way for each student to “talk” right way.

So, ten minutes before each class, I log in to “open” the classroom and I post the Question of the Day for students to answer in the chat pod. The QOTD is different each day and usually silly, but it helps me learn a bit about them and also serves as a way of marking their attendance at the beginning. I’m making a list of questions so that I can easily call them up and don’t accidentally repeat.

  1. What is your favorite ice cream?

  2. Do you have a pet?

  3. What is the last book you read?

  4. Fall, Winter, Spring or Summer?

  5. Where is the last place you traveled?

  6. What’s your favorite movie?

  7. Do you have siblings?

  8. Where were you born?

  9. How many languages do you speak?

  10. What’s your favorite app on your phone?

  11. Beach or mountains?

  12. Who is your favorite teacher/professor ever?

  13. Do you play an instrument?

  14. What is your favorite sports team?

  15. What are you thankful for?

  16. What is your favorite type of music?

  17. Who is your hero?

  18. Do you play a sport?

  19. Sweet or savory?

  20. Who is your favorite Disney villain?

  21. If you could meet any person in history, who would it be?

  22. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or other?

  23. What is your dream job?

  24. Water, soda, coffee, or tea?

  25. Do you have a favorite musical?

  26. How would your friends describe you in one word?

  27. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

  28. What’s your favorite animal?

  29. Cake or pie?

  30. What is your favorite book of all time?

  31. Who inspires you?

  32. What’s one way you are proud of yourself?


Mission: US

