My Home Ed to Higher Ed Story

I was taking driver’s ed when I started college.

It wasn’t because I delayed getting my driver’s license. It was because I began college at 15.

Being homeschooled allowed me to accelerate my high school education, graduate early, and start at my local community college before I was old enough to drive.

My parents were homeschool pioneers. We were one of two families in our entire Wyoming town who homeschooled.

When we moved to California and then Texas, we had more opportunities for co-ops, extracurricular activities, and ancillary classes.

I loved being homeschooled!

And I loved college.

I went from two years at community college to finishing my degree at a 4-year university while living at home.

My goal was to finish my Ph.D. by the time I turned 30, and that’s what I did.

Homeschooling gave me self-direction and a love of learning.

This is why I love helping homeschooling families prepare for college.

It's why I love helping ALL families prepare their kids for college.

Thanks for inviting me into your journey!

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Teaching College Prep Across the Pond


Article Publication - “Hide the Key: Building a History Escape Room”