
Travel Lauran Kerr-Heraly Travel Lauran Kerr-Heraly

How to Spend Five Days in New Orleans with Kids

Five-day adventure in New Orleans with my spouse and 10-year-old. We delved into the heart of this vibrant city, exploring its rich tapestry of culture, history, and natural beauty. I share the highlights and hidden gems of our family vacation in the Big Easy.

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National Parks, Travel Lauran Kerr-Heraly National Parks, Travel Lauran Kerr-Heraly

How to Spend Two Days in Bryce Canyon National Park with Kids

Bryce Canyon National Park in southern Utah is not actually a canyon - it’s bowls. It is most renowned for its geological formations known as hoodoos, which are tall, thin spires of rock. My friend described it as both futuristic and ancient! This is one of my favorite parks, for sure.

In addition to the awesome junior ranger program, we did the #IHikedTheHoodoos challenge. My kiddo found the plaques to complete the pencil rubbings as we made our way through the trails. We visited in July as part of our Fourth Grade Pass tour.

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National Parks, Travel Lauran Kerr-Heraly National Parks, Travel Lauran Kerr-Heraly

How to Spend Two Days in Canyonlands National Park with Kids

If you want rugged terrain and rocky adventuring, Canyonlands is for you. I knew very little about this park before our visit!

There’s no water in the park (except at the visitor center) and very few facilities, so bring salty snacks and more water than you think you need. A lot of the park is void of roads suitable for normal cars. There’s a lot of difficult and long trails as well as backcountry camping. BUT, there are plenty of shorter trails and viewpoints to make this well worth a visit. We visited in June as part of our Fourth Grade Pass tour.

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Travel Lauran Kerr-Heraly Travel Lauran Kerr-Heraly

Traveling as a Historian

My travel posts address my experience of local history, what I learned on each trip, and how I incorporate that new knowledge into how I teach history. Travel along!

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