Traveling as a Historian

The travel bug caught me at an early age. I was fortunate to go on a lot of road trips with my family as a kid and later to get scholarships for some study abroad programs in college. My stint teaching at international schools allowed for a lot of travel as well.

Now, I’m firmly rooted in Houston, Texas where I’m a professor at a community college. I’ve gotten creative about budgeting, squeezing in small trips, and making the most of school holidays. My husband and daughter (8yo) also love to travel, so we’ve made it a family priority.

Everywhere I go, I look into the history. History museums are nearly always on our itinerary. But I’m also interested in local stories, cultural events, commercial placiality, foodways, and other parts that make up the sum of a location’s history.

My travel posts address my experience of local history, what I learned on each trip, and how I incorporate that new knowledge into how I teach history. Travel along!


Lewis and Clark


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